
MOoW's Exhibit in the Design Pavilion in Times Square, New York: may 18 - 22, 2017

In an unconventional twist, California-based non-profit is took the opposite tactic of depositing its trash into New York City’s Times Square. Made Out of WHAT, an organization dedicated to transforming society’s perception of post-industrial waste, showcases artists who use discarded materials to make beautiful objects. A portable exhibition built entirely of recycled materials was assembled on a triangular island at 7th Avenue and 43rd Street as part of Design Pavilion NYC, an annual outdoor event. Inside the hexagonal pavilion a display of the artist works made from upcycled materials was seen.


“Of course we’ll take it away when we’re done,” says Denise Domergue, Made Out of WHAT’s founder and guiding light. “But while it’s there people can get a look at some of the truly inspired things people are doing with transformed trash.” The organization hopes to spread the message that adaptive re-use is the wave of the future, a creative alternative to the problem of toxic landfills and widespread environmental pollution.


Even the The New York Times is getting with the program of adaptive re-use. A listing in their April 27th edition encouraged readers to visit Made Out of WHAT’s pavilion in Times Square during Design Pavilion, and we couldn’t be happier.

Banner Image: Artist: Claudia Borgna